traditions that purport to offer a path of spiritual
realisation most generally present sexuality as a dissipating element,
the place of which should be strictly reduced. Indeed, it is considered
a powerful source of energy, a vital fire that can be devastating. Accordingly,
because of the potential risk of deviation involved in sex, all dominant
religions mention it as an activity that takes us away from God.
In the same way as Augustine who combined sexuality with the flesh as
opposed to the spirit, religions warn human beings
against the pitfalls of sexuality that would too radically
move them away from what they consider to be the original purpose of
sex: procreation.
spiritual paths, whether they are related to traditions of the East
or of the West, advocate asceticism to attain liberation from suffering
in this world, since human nature is not strong enough to resist the
power of dispersion that sex contains.
Nevertheless, for one who wants to bring a sacred dimension to sexuality,
different paths do exist, although they may seem somewhat complex and
difficult to approach; and in some cases, sexual energy may even be
considered a possible cause of progress in a human being's self-realisation
and elevation. As those paths were sometimes labelled dangerous when
evoking the conquest of and mastery over sexual energy, they have long
been kept secret or confidential because they always involved a long
and difficult initiation process before tackling sexual practices likely
to lead to illumination.