Institut Science Unitaire


During a lecture, I asked IJP Appel Guéry for some precision about the surveyors (I read some pages about this subject in the book : Unitary Science of the Intra Universe). Then he gave us some information according to his current inspiration. Actually, it was just as if he had read the page telepathically, because his information matched the written text almost word for word! I have seen thousands of pages of this book (the Unitary Science of the Intra-Universe), written under inspiration. It is not possible for IJP. Appel Guéry to have memorised all of them. For me, this "coincidence" is more evidence of his connected state that allows him to access the permanent interdimensional weaves in spite of their continuous movement. Josette

Sometimes I find the language of the Unitary Science difficult. But nevertheless, this language carries a perfectly clear message to be integrated in our daily life. When I read it, I very quickly change my vibratory level and I reach a wider perception of the universe. This allows me to understand my life programme better, to rule my own life more correctly and to help others in a more accurate manner. Élisabeth

When I read the Unitary Science, I very quickly reach a level of energy in which my consciousness takes a completely different dimension, as if it were recreated by the divine truth. I would like this state of being - which I call "normal" - to become more and more present in my daily life. This science contains some treasures of information for our existence. Bruno

Reading the Unitary Science is finding again the contact with the invisible weaves that rule the visible universe. Nadine

Reading the Unitary Science allows me to access the inner subtle weaves that reveal the science that has always been vibrating within the heart of creation. Christian

The Unitary Science is an indispensable work in order to find again the essential values of the being amidst the living universe. Vincent

I would like to stress the extreme richness and importance of IJP Appel Guéry's work. It offers a journey that allows the human being to find again the role the superior dimensions expect her/him to take: an operator establishing communication between the dimensions of consciousness and the powers that underlie human life. Loïc

Understanding permanence in all the facets of creation, as well as immanence in action within all creatures, gives me the knowledge I need in order to use my willpower to join the path toward immortality. This is what the study of the Unitary Science of the Intra-universe gives me. Alain

When reading the Unitary Science, I become connected in a very clear way to the internel source and I am able to connect to the inner weaves that modify my system in order to make it evolve. Bernard H.

Reading the Unitary Science helps me find immediately a very inner feeling of attuning with the accuracy of higher worlds. I enter a magical world in which mind barriers are pushed aside and the operative action of the consciousness of synthesis puts life in order again and sets up the conditions for the return toward the being's ultimate essence. Laurent P.