body, a temple of spirit
From a spiritual perspective, we can consider the body as the
material support of our soul, and accordingly maintain it like
a temple, keeping it ready to receive the most subtle energies
likely to uplift our consciousness. Here, the
concept of "body" does not stop at the physical body,
but also includes bodies of energy such as the etheric,
astral and mental bodies, etc..
You are what you eat and absorb. In this regard, meat is a heavy
burden; digestion of a meat diet produces a number of toxins
that load the body much more than a vegetarian
Moreover, in terms of planetary equilibriums, meat consumption
weighs heavily on global ecology and economy.
Furthermore, on karmic level, we take the responsibility of
putting an end to the evolution of a living being, as in most
cases the latter could have lived several more years. We will
therefore have to take charge of the remaining lifetime it could
have had, since this animal also had a life programme in this
If we want to manage our lives responsibly, we need to measure
the consequences of our actions accordingly, even in our choices
of food; for that purpose, vegetarianism is
the most suitable living choice to be in harmony
with the whole universe.
are living in a time when environmental consequences of our lifestyle
pose serious problems: pollution of all kinds, deforestation, extinction
of plant and animal species, etc.. More than ever, individual choices
affect the lives of everyone. Respect for life and energy balance of
the planet demand awareness from each individual. Do not hesitate to
distance yourself from harmful habits to assert your identity as a responsible
person, creator of your own lifestyle, and anxious to find your right
place in the visible and invisible worlds.
It all begins with what you put on your plate on a daily basis, as this
is an act that is repeated thousands of times in a lifetime, and that
has heavy consequences on your evolution and possible liberation.
What we eat is not only made of the substance we absorb; it also includes
the forces that were necessary to produce it. It is also made of the
energetic history of the ingested food, which sometimes is much heavier
than we imagine. Pondering on this issue and making a decision in full
consciousness is a basic act, the founder of a righteous
life connected to our true incarnation programme.