transmission rests upon theoretical and practical knowledge
and on a process of reflection and personal development in harmony
with the laws ruling the universe.
These hundred-page booklets of theoretical and practical lessons
including lectures, exercises,
advice, meditations
and answers to the great questions of our time.
and video CDs
of exercices, messages
of spiritual elevation,
meditations and relaxation
can also come with these lessons.
teaching can be studied on your own or with a teacher.
Subscriptions are open at any time of the year.
An optional workshop is proposed at each end of cycle in order
to prepare for a meeting and exchange with different participants
of the same session.
this training is completed, you will receive a Vibrascience certificate
Should you be willing to become a teacher of Prescience, Iniscience,
Luminescience and Vibrascience levels in your country, feel free
to ask and a training workshop will be proposed to you.